Modern Data Analytics

Automation of Geospatial Data Processing and Quality Assurance Review for the CRTC


Expansion of Broadband Internet coverage is a high priority for CRTC, who has established a Broadband Fund providing $750 Million over 5 years to upgrade broadband internet access in remote regions of Canada. As a result, broadband infrastructure and coverage is undergoing rapid change. This further exacerbated the underlying requirement for timely reporting on [...]

Imaging Project Support for Employment and Social Development Canada


ESDC undertook an enterprise-wide imaging solution and hired the Bronson team to assume responsibility for the receipt, handling and digitization of incoming ESDC applications as well as the secure transmission of digitized files back to ESDC and the destruction of paper records as specified. Original intention was to undertake an extended pilot project with [...]

Consultations and Project Management for WEX


WEX Incorporated is a global company offering financial technology solutions related to payment systems across a variety of industries including fleet, corporate payments and benefits. WEX hired Bronson to develop Klipfolio visualizations of a variety of key performance indicators to measure impact and effectiveness of marketing efforts related to the travel, aviation, media and [...]

Analytical Services and Project Management for Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport Authority


From 2018 to 2020, Bronson provided a wide-range of services to support Tableau, the Ottawa Airport Authority’s chosen tool for data analytics and visualization. Bronson provided a number of Tableau-related services in parallel including: Tableau dashboard development; Tableau maintenance and technical support; and Data strategy development. Bronson’s work with the Ottawa Airport Authority was [...]

Digital Readiness Assessment for Canadian Heritage


Digital Readiness Framework based on Government policies, specifically the Government of Canada Digital Standards. Representation across department and diverse job levels for consultation and survey. Report describes as-is state and identifies area for improvement. Next step is a detailed roadmap to improve and progress digital maturity. More information can be found in our 2021 [...]

Analysis of Sales Data for Farm Boy


Farm Boy is high end chain of grocery stores focused on locally-sourced fresh produce and food products. Headquartered in Ottawa, Farm Boy currently has 40 locations throughout Ontario. "Bronson was hired by Farm Boy to analyze their sales data to improve promotions and product pricing." - Phil Cormier, CA, CPA, Senior [...]

Revising Business Processes for the Public Health Agency of Canada


Developed an Intervention Framework to aid decision-making for $27 million annual investment in primary prevention interventions to change behaviour that will positively impact health. Documented 10 As-Is and To-Be business processes using Business Process Model Notation. Projects funded under this initiative focus on innovative, integrated approaches to promote healthy living, prevent chronic disease and [...]

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