Audit, Evaluation and Assessment

Data Maturity Assessment for the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada


Given its role, partnerships, and access to data and statistics, the AFMC is positioned to provide strategic insight on the most pressing priorities faced by its stakeholders, members, medical students, physicians, and other relevant medical practitioners in Canada.The AFMC engaged Bronson to perform a Data Maturity Assessment tied to evaluate the AFMC’s current abilities in [...]

Development of Performance Indicators for the Northern Contaminated Sites Program


Bronson developed performance indicators and tools for the Northern Contaminated Sites Program (NCSP) to measure and track progress effectively. The project included creating a draft Performance Information Profile, quarterly reporting templates, and a lessons learned repository. Bronson's work ensured compliance with Treasury Board requirements and enhanced the program's ability to track environmental, health, safety, [...]

Development of a Quality Improvement Plan for the Translation Bureau


Bronson called on to work closely with the newly named Chief Quality Officer of Translation Bureau, the first of its kind in the Government of Canada. Development of a two-year Quality Enhancement Action Plan that can be monitored and reported against to demonstrate impact on quality of services provided by Translation Bureau and also [...]

Role Clarification for Shared Services Canada


Bronson conducted a review to clarify the roles and responsibilities of DCSB’s Branch Business Planning Unit (BBP), addressing observed overlaps with other corporate stakeholders. The review included establishing an understanding of existing business processes within BBP through consultation and documentation review. Bronson identified recommended roles, responsibilities, and business processes for BBP, along with an [...]

Review of IESO Program Funding to Alectra


Bronson conducted a detailed review and reconciliation of program funding awarded by IESO to Alectra, an LDC channel partner opting for incentive financing through the "Pay for Performance" (P4P) model. This review included a scrutinization of contracts, cash flows, energy savings, incentive payments, expenses, and assessment of reported totals for reconciliation process. Final payment [...]

Development of Key Documents for the Centre for Greening Government (CGG)


The Government of Canada supports the sustainable management of its activities through the Greening Government Fund (GGF), which funds projects that reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) in federal operations. The GGF has approved approximately $45 million in funding for 57 projects since its inception in 2019, contributing to GHG reductions in federal fleets, procurement, and [...]

Program Management for NRCAN’s ENERGY STAR for Products Program


ENERGY STAR Canada is a voluntary partnership between the Government of Canada and industry to make high efficiency products readily available and visible to Canadians. Key objective of project was to engage with Program staff, to establish consensus on an organizational structure for the ENERGY STAR for Products Program and to arrive at recommendations informed [...]

Consultations and Project Management for WEX


WEX Incorporated is a global company offering financial technology solutions related to payment systems across a variety of industries including fleet, corporate payments and benefits. WEX hired Bronson to develop Klipfolio visualizations of a variety of key performance indicators to measure impact and effectiveness of marketing efforts related to the travel, aviation, media and [...]

Digital Readiness Assessment for Canadian Heritage


Digital Readiness Framework based on Government policies, specifically the Government of Canada Digital Standards. Representation across department and diverse job levels for consultation and survey. Report describes as-is state and identifies area for improvement. Next step is a detailed roadmap to improve and progress digital maturity. More information can be found in our 2021 [...]

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