Quick Facts

  • The temperatures were recorded at 5-minute intervals from June 14 to September 2, 2021.
  • All offices regularly exceeded room temperature during a typical workday, some reaching temperatures as high as 30C.
  • One office was above room temperature over 60% of the time during workdays. Another office was below room temperature over 27% of the time. On average, the temperature was not within 20C-22C approximately 50% of the time.

Project Description

Bronson was given temperature readings from 5 office spaces and was tasked with producing visualizations which elucidate the working conditions of each over an extended period of time.

Business Challenge

Given thousands of temperature readings, Bronson was required to produce a clear picture of the unreasonable working conditions within each office. The visuals needed demonstrate the ongoing trend in addition to the substantial fluctuations in thermostat readings to show that the office conditions were routinely untenable and extreme. Furthermore, the visualizations were prepared for legal proceedings. Thus, clarity and precision were of the utmost importance.

Our Solution and Outcome

Bronson used Tableau Desktop to construct a visualization for each of the 5 offices, plotting temperature as a function of time. Colour was used to show which datapoints were taken on a weekday, between 8:00AM and 6:00PM. A grey band across each plot highlighted the room temperature range which, based on data from Statistics Canada, was defined to be in the range 20C-22C. A heatmap of workday temperature maximums and a bar chart showing percentage of time above, at, or below room temperature was produced for each office.

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