Quick Facts
- Bronson has assisted NRCan for 10+ years with annual updates to the ENERGY STAR Savings Calculators and Cost-Savings Examples posted to the Procurement section of the ENERGY STAR website.
- The ENERGY STAR Savings Calculators comprise 7 product categories, which include 48 product types and 167 product sub-types.
- The ENERGY STAR Savings Calculators demonstrate savings ranging from ~ 5-90%.

Project Description
Bronson provides annual program management support to NRCan’s ENERGY STAR Initiative to update ENERGY STAR Savings Calculators and Cost-Savings Examples.
Business Challenge
- To update ENERGY STAR Savings Calculators and Cost-Savings Examples annually.
- To review ENERGY STAR Product Specifications, Energy Efficiency Regulations, utility costs, emissions factors and other criteria, and incorporate updated values into the Calculators.
- To provide stakeholders with a user-friendly Excel-based tool that estimates the annual and lifecycle energy, cost and emissions savings associated with purchasing ENERGY STAR certified products over non-certified products.
Our Solution and Outcome
Bronson has worked with several Project Authorities over the past 10+ years and provides critical institutional memory related to NRCan’s ENERGY STAR Savings Calculators. Bronson delivers annually updated ENERGY STAR Savings Calculators, incorporating the most current specifications and other key inputs, in English and French. These are posted to the ENERGY STAR website, for free access to stakeholders. Bronson has continuously streamlined and improved the functionality of the Simple Savings Calculator and developed a Summary Calculator.