Quick Facts
Bronson has assisted DFO for 20+ years for mandated departmental reporting on energy consumption and GHG emissions under the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy and Greening Government Strategy (and previous reporting frameworks).
Bronson works closely with DFO’s Office of Environmental Coordination to report on over 160 facilities, an on-road fleet of 1,500+ vehicles and a National Safety and Security (Coast Guard) fleet of marine vessels and helicopters.
Bronson’s annual efforts assist DFO in reporting to Treasury Board Secretariat on its progress toward departmental GHG emissions targets for 2025 and 2050.

Project Description
Bronson provides annual program management support to DFO in Energy Data Collection, Analysis and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy and Greening Government Strategy.
Business Challenge
To assist DFO to report annual departmental energy consumption and GHG emissions.
To assemble and verify raw data reported from a variety of internal departmental sources.
To complete Federal Greening Government Reporting Templates for Facilities, On-Road Vehicles and for Coast Guard’s NSS Fleet of Marine Vessels and Aircraft.
To report on departmental emissions sources, year-over-year trends, comparisons to baseline data, and progress toward departmental emissions targets.
Our Solution and Outcome
Bronson has worked with several Project Authorities over the past 20+ years and provides critical institutional memory related to DFO’s energy and GHG reporting efforts. Bronson employs several methods of checking raw data to ensure that completed GHG Accounting and Reporting Templates accurately reflect DFO’s energy consumption and GHG emissions. Further, Bronson developed a highly concise and readable accompanying final report that clearly presents results for the current year, compared to baseline and target emissions as well as an Excel tool to depict the impacts of weather on energy consumption at 59 major facilities.