Quick Facts

  • For over 10 years, Bronson has been providing operational program management support to NCSP related to policy and procedural development, performance management, and project risk assessment.
  • Bronson’s support has helped NCSP effectively manage the challenges associated with the remediation of Canada’s most remote and northern contaminated sites.
  • This support assists NCSP in managing these sites in a cost-effective and consistent manner such that the risks to human and environmental health are reduced, the federal environmental liability is decreased and socio-economic benefits are realized by northerners and members of Indigenous groups.

Project Description

CIRNA’s Northern Contaminated Sites Program (NCSP) manages a portfolio of contaminated sites in Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut for which the Government of Canada is responsible. For over 10 years, Bronson has been providing NCSP with operational program management support, which has included:

  • Policy and Procedure Development – Bronson has been performing a series of tasks to develop and update NCSP’s program management and corporate procedures documentation and processes.
  • Performance Management Support – Bronson has supported the program with the development of performance measurement strategies, program and project Performance Information Profiles (PIPs) and guidance, templates and tools for annual and quarterly performance reporting, change management and lessons learned.
  • Development of Project Complexity and Risk Assessments – Bronson has assessed a number of abandoned mine site projects based on Treasury Board’s Directive on the Management of Projects and Programmes and the mandatory requirements for Project Complexity and Risk Assessments.

Business Challenge

The remediation of abandoned mine sites and other contaminated sites in Canada’s remote northern regions present a series of challenges that make these projects more complex and costly than contaminated sites in more southern and urban areas in Canada. CIRNA’s NCSP sought external support from Bronson to address a variety of program management elements and requirements and to ensure a formal, structured and consistent approach to program management.

Our Solution and Outcome

The support provided by Bronson assists NCSP in effectively managing their portfolio of northern and remote contaminated sites in a cost-effective and consistent manner. This support helps the program to meet their goals of reducing risks to human and environmental health posed by these sites, decreasing the federal environmental liability associated with them and promoting socio-economic benefits for northerners and members of Indigenous groups.

Related Projects

  • Data Maturity Assessment for the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada

  • Lac Seul First Nation Communications Policy Development

  • Northern Contaminated Sites Program Support

  • Program Management Support for Polar Knowledge Canada