Quick Facts
- Bronson developed a Program Charter to govern the CWF’s B.C. Fish Passage Restoration Initiative that met the requirements of two federal funding programs.
- Bronson coordinated quarterly reporting to funders on expenditures, activities and results.
- Bronson is mentoring CWF staff for future program reporting to funders and providing quality assurance prior to report submission.

Project Description
Bronson was engaged to assist with the management of the CWF’s B. C. Fish Passage Restoration Initiative (BCFPRI). In coordinating with federal, provincial, First Nations and local partners the CWF is developing watershed conservation plans, conducting barrier assessments and habitat confirmations, and removing barriers to fish passage to restore access to critical spawning and rearing habitat. In addition to remediating barriers, a framework for habitat restoration that can be deployed in other jurisdictions and for other species is also being developed.
Business Challenge
To develop a framework for program governance and project implementation meeting the requirements of two federal contribution agreements, the primary program funders, and which could be used as a model for future habitat restoration initiatives. and progress monitoring and reporting. Throughout the life of the funding agreements, development and approval of quarterly reporting needed to be coordinated.
Our Solution and Outcome
After reviewing the BCFPRI objectives and the funding agreement terms and conditions, Bronson developed straw models of the program processes and the associated roles and responsibilities. A series of interviews and workshops with CWF staff and other stakeholders were conducted to refine the processes, identify inputs and outputs and confirm roles and responsibilities. Based on the refinements, Bronson developed a Program Charter that has been approved by the funders. It describes the program scope, governance structure, a high-level project plan and controls among other elements. Bronson drafted elements such as terms of reference for the management committee to support the Program Charter.
Bronson has supported regular reporting to the funding partners, initially with the development of a plan to ensure that reporting requirements were met, coordinating report development and providing quality assurance prior to CWF report approval. Over time Bronson’s role has shifted to mentoring CWF staff in report development and ensuring quality reports.