• ENERGY STAR Canada is a voluntary partnership between the Government of Canada and industry to make high efficiency products readily available and visible to Canadians.
  • Key objective of project was to engage with Program staff, to establish consensus on an organizational structure for the ENERGY STAR for Products Program and to arrive at recommendations informed by staff input.
  • Consultation Framework developed to guide the approach to consultation, to ensure consistency in collection and analysis of feedback and to inform the approach to structuring workshops and facilitating productive and collaborative discussions.

Project Description

Bronson completed a project with the ENERGY STAR for Products Program to align the organizational structure with program mandate, priorities and roles. This project involved consultation with all staff and a review of available background documentation followed by the facilitation of three workshops with key program staff to develop consensus around priorities, an appropriate organizational structure to support priorities and the confirmation/development of roles and responsibilities to support the new organizational structure and to facilitate fulfilment of priorities.  Bronson provided Program management with regular updates, preliminary observations, draft recommendations and final recommendations through meetings, formal briefings and PowerPoint slide decks.

Business Challenge

The ENERGY STAR for Products Program of Natural Resources Canada has existed for several years but in recent years has been impacted by a lack of stable leadership and  a number of organizational changes at the division and sector level. At the same time, the Program is experiencing considerable change in the form of an expanded mandate for select energy efficiency products that are available in Canada only and a growing awareness of the importance and significance of ENERGY STAR brand compliance and integrity. In addition, the Program needs to be more agile in adapting to external factors such as regulation of energy efficiency products, new energy efficiency products and consumer interest in and awareness of select energy efficiency products. It is essential the Program is structured and staffed to respond to existing and emerging events and trends. In addition, it is necessary to establish roles and responsibilities that will enable the Program to fulfil its current mandate and adapt to external factors influencing the mandate.

Our Solution and Outcome

Conducted a comprehensive review of relevant background documentation and undertook a consultation strategy that involved development of a consultation guide and one-on-one consultations with all Program staff to establish essential background and context related to the current roles and responsibilities and to determine strengths and shortcomings of current organizational structure and approach to strategic planning. Following the information gathering phase, facilitated three workshops with key Program personnel to undertake focussed discussion on an appropriate organizational structure and roles and responsibilities required to support the desired organizational structure and program priorities. Workshops were structured iteratively and adequate time was provided between workshops to present preliminary results and areas of consensus and to allow for additional feedback and information. This engagement resulted in recommendations to restructure the organization to address and respond to priorities and strategic goals, to balance and realign the workload and to clarify the roles and responsibilities related to the new organizational structure. The workplan for this engagement centred around staff participation and input. Staff input informed all deliverables and all draft deliverables were shared with staff for additional feedback. Staff were pleased with the process, encouraged by the recommendations and hopeful about the outcome.

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