Project and Program Management

Lac Seul First Nation Communications Policy Development


The LSFN land area is one of the largest Indian Reserves in the Treaty #3 region in northwestern Ontario. The general membership consists of about 2,700 people, two thirds of which live off reserve. The LSFN is known as Obishikokaang in the Anishinaabe language. The LSFN Communication Department required an approved policy instrument to [...]

Northern Contaminated Sites Program Support


Since 2015, Bronson has supported the Northern Contaminated Sites Program (NCSP) of the federal department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs (CIRNA) with program and project management activities. Activities included policy and procedure development, performance management support, project complexity and risk assessments, and authority and approval support. Bronson's work aimed to enhance program management [...]

Program Management Support for Polar Knowledge Canada


Over three years, Bronson supported Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR) with program management aspects related to science, technology, knowledge management programs, and the operation of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. Bronson provided strategic advice to POLAR on work planning, budget development, performance management, and seeking approvals and authorities for [...]

BC Fish Passage Restoration Governance


Bronson has continued to develop a Program Charter to govern the CWF’s B.C. Fish Passage Restoration Initiative that met the requirements of two federal funding programs. Quarterly reporting to funders on expenditures, activities and results were coordinated. Bronson is mentoring CWF staff for future program reporting to funders and providing quality assurance prior to [...]

ENERGY STAR Canada Annual Report 2022 Development


The 2022 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report highlights ENERGY STAR’s accomplishments in 2022 across programs such as ENERGY STAR for New Homes, ENERGY STAR for Products, ENRGY STAR for Buildings, and ENERGY STAR for Industry. The Report also highlights case studies from organizations across Canada who have demonstrated leadership in their adoption of [...]

Treasury Board Submission for Indigenous Services Canada


Bronson managed and performed all tasks associated with drafting a Treasury Board submission to assist the Child and Family Services program of Indigenous Services Canada. The submission addressed specific requirements to comply with orders from the Canadian Human Rights Commission, aiming to better meet the needs of First Nations children and families. This work [...]

Server Migration for Saskatchewan Polytechnic


Bronson led a team to migrate Saskatchewan Polytechnic's Tableau Server from AWS to Microsoft Azure, involving collaboration with various departments at the institution. A staging and production environment was established in Azure, and the Tableau server was transferred with thorough testing. Post-migration monitoring and project management services were provided to ensure a successful and [...]

Review of IESO Program Funding to Alectra


Bronson conducted a detailed review and reconciliation of program funding awarded by IESO to Alectra, an LDC channel partner opting for incentive financing through the "Pay for Performance" (P4P) model. This review included a scrutinization of contracts, cash flows, energy savings, incentive payments, expenses, and assessment of reported totals for reconciliation process. Final payment [...]

Development of 2021 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report


The 2021 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report, the first ENERGY STAR annual report since 2016, details ENERGY STAR’s accomplishments in 2021 as well as highlighting successes during 2017-2020. The 2021 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report highlights the 20th anniversary of ENERGY STAR in Canada. The 2021 ENERGY STAR in Canada Annual Report [...]

Development of Key Documents for the Centre for Greening Government (CGG)


The Government of Canada supports the sustainable management of its activities through the Greening Government Fund (GGF), which funds projects that reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) in federal operations. The GGF has approved approximately $45 million in funding for 57 projects since its inception in 2019, contributing to GHG reductions in federal fleets, procurement, and [...]

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