Quick Facts

  • Bronson developed a strategic plan for the Healthy Aging Program to address the needs of a growing and diversifying senior population.
  • The plan was designed to align with a public health-based approach, emphasizing evidence-based design and clear indicators of success.
  • The strategy aimed to enhance collaboration between Ottawa Public Health (OPH) and its community partners, and to incorporate capacity building within the organization.

Project Description

Bronson developed a strategic plan for the Healthy Aging Program. This entailed assisting OPH in reviewing, updating and expanding this program in response to a growing and diversifying population of seniors in the city. Bronson designed the Strategic Plan to align with a public health-based approach (evidence-based design with clear indicators of success); to support increased collaboration between OPH and its community partners; and to incorporate capacity building within the organization into the planning process.

Business Challenge

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) needed to review, update, and expand its Healthy Aging Program to better serve a growing and diversifying population of seniors. This required a strategic plan that was evidence-based, fostered collaboration with community partners, and built organizational capacity.

Our Solution and Outcome

Bronson assisted OPH by developing a strategic plan tailored to the Healthy Aging Program. They reviewed and updated the existing program, ensuring it responded effectively to the evolving demographics of the senior population. The strategic plan was designed to align with a public health-based approach, incorporating evidence-based practices and clear indicators of success to measure progress. Bronson facilitated increased collaboration between OPH and its community partners, integrating these partnerships into the planning process. Additionally, the plan included capacity-building initiatives within OPH to support sustainable program implementation.

The outcome was a comprehensive, strategic roadmap that positioned the Healthy Aging Program to better meet the needs of seniors in the city, fostering improved health outcomes and stronger community ties.

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