Quick Facts

  • Bronson supported the Office of Fair Practices and Legal Affairs in implementing the Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment and Sexual Assault Policies, as well as developing satellite policies.
  • Support activities included revising the approach to managing formal complaints, creating Standard Operating Procedures and Toolkits, and leading meetings with the University’s executive team.
  • Bronson contributed to policy development, including Guidelines for Intimate Relationships and standardized report formats for investigators involved in the complaints process.

Project Description

Bronson supported the Office of Fair Practices and Legal Affairs in implementing the Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment and Sexual Assault Policies, and in developing satellite policies. Support has included: revising the approach to managing formal complaints under the Respectful Work and Learning Environment and Sexual Assault policies and creating a Standard Operating Procedures and Toolkit to support implementation; leading meetings with the University’s executive team (Vice Presidents and Directors) to outline changes to roles and responsibilities in managing formal complaints under the policies; presenting the Standard Operating Procedures project to the Western Canadian Post-Secondary Sexual Violence Procedures Forum; developing a proposal for a Campus Sexual Assault Resource Centre, including best practices and lessons learned from similar centres at other U15 Institutions; and assisting in the compilation of a detailed compendium of all Sexual Violence Related Initiatives on the U of M campus.

Policy development included contributing to the development of Guidelines for Intimate Relationships (a) between students and instructors; and (b) between employees with power differentials; and developing a standardized report format along with associated guidance for investigators involved in the formal complaints process.

Business Challenge

The Office of Fair Practices and Legal Affairs at the University of Manitoba needed support in implementing and developing policies related to the Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment and Sexual Assault, as well as creating satellite policies to address related issues. This required revising complaint management approaches, developing procedures and toolkits, and ensuring compliance with best practices.

Our Solution and Outcome

Bronson provided comprehensive support to the Office of Fair Practices and Legal Affairs, including revising the approach to managing formal complaints and creating Standard Operating Procedures and Toolkits for implementation. They facilitated meetings with the University’s executive team to outline changes in roles and responsibilities, ensuring alignment with policy objectives.

Bronson also presented the Standard Operating Procedures project at the Western Canadian Post-Secondary Sexual Violence Procedures Forum, sharing best practices and lessons learned. Additionally, they developed a proposal for a Campus Sexual Assault Resource Centre and assisted in compiling a detailed compendium of all Sexual Violence Related Initiatives on the U of M campus. Bronson contributed to policy development by assisting in the development of Guidelines for Intimate Relationships and creating standardized report formats for investigators involved in the complaints process.

Overall, Bronson’s support enhanced the University’s ability to address issues related to respectful workplace and learning environments, sexual assault, and intimate relationships, ensuring a safer and more inclusive campus environment.

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