Quick Facts
- Adherence to strict performance measurement and reporting practices with demonstrated success in meeting and exceeding targets.
- Establishment and maintenance of strategic partnerships with industry to facilitate program delivery and project support.
- Experience in multi-year program management support and delivery.
- Requirement to fulfil a variety of key competencies, including project management, logistics management, web tool development, sales, marketing, development of partnerships, database management, reporting and financial management.

Project Description
Natural Resources Canada’s FleetSmart program offers owners and operators of commercial and institutional truck fleets training, specialist tools and advice on how to “green” their operations by reducing fuel consumption and emissions. The program teaches fleet managers that energy-efficient vehicles and business practices can reduce operating costs and improve productivity and competitiveness, while at the same time minimize the impacts of vehicle emissions on the environment. Bronson has provided extensive project and program management services for this popular program for more than a decade, including managing the delivery of a suite of transportation training programs since 2009. Among its many other notable contributions, Bronson has also worked to develop, maintain, promote and facilitate the uptake of the Fleet Efficiency Tool since 2005.
Business Challenge
In Canada, transportation accounts for approximately one-third of total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Natural Resources Canada works to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by informing Canadians, businesses and government institutions about fuel-efficient vehicles and driving behaviours. NRCan’s ecoENERGY Efficiency for Vehicles program aims to reduce energy use and emissions from transportation in Canada by offering fuel efficient driver training, providing energy information to vehicle consumers, and encouraging freight companies to make their operations as energy efficient as possible. Through the FleetSmart component of this program, commercial and institutional truck fleets are offered training and information on technologies and practices that encourage fuel reduction and a reduction in related greenhouse gases.
Bronson has provided support to FleetSmart for more than a decade, both through the completion of a variety of discrete projects and through the delivery of program support and project management skills and expertise for extended (multi-year) periods. Bronson has worked closely with FleetSmart personnel to develop frameworks and approaches for ensuring that project and program outcomes will be met. As well, Bronson has developed considerable experience and expertise in monitoring and reporting on results through the provision of a full-range of reporting tools and strategies. With Bronson’s support, the FleetSmart program has regularly met all targets and anticipated outcomes.
Our Solution and Outcome
The following are examples of the type of projects that Bronson has provided to FleetSmart:
- Delivery of FleetSmart Training – Since 2009 Bronson has managed a national training program targeted at professional drivers in the transportation industry. Bronson was tasked with managing all aspects of the program’s delivery across Canada with a goal of increasing its reach and participation numbers. Project management services included managing a team of Master Trainers and Facilitators and a large and varied project team and coordinating all aspects of the program, including strategic partnerships, marketing, communications, client and trainer relationships, administration, program monitoring, evaluation, data analysis and reporting. Drivers who take part in the program can improve fuel efficiency, lower fuel costs by between 5% and 10% and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Designing and Delivering the Fleet Efficiency Tool – Over the course of this multi-year assignment, Bronson managed the design, development and ongoing update, maintenance and management of a web-based fleet management tool. The tool helps fleet managers and strategic planners to measure the energy consumption of their on-road fleet and analyze opportunities and develop action plans for reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Project management services provided encompassed pilot tests, an in-depth technical evaluation of the tool, translation from English to French, development of training and marketing tools, as well as user and technical documentation, delivery of user training and support, ongoing development and enhancements, and promotion and marketing of the tool.
- Conducting Impact Assessments
- Impact of maintenance management in fleet operations on vehicle and component durability and sustainability.
- Impact of the SmartDriver training program on reducing fleet emissions
- Developing a 5-year Marketing Strategy for the Idle-Free Quiet Zone campaign to reduce idling within the highway-trucking sector by changing behaviour and increasing participation in the campaign.
- Conducting Detailed Research on fuel efficiency topics related to light-duty vehicles, (idling, winter driving, aggressive driving, vehicle selection, and oils and lubricants), to form the foundation for a messaging campaign by Natural Resources Canada to encourage a change in personal behaviour in favour of fuel efficiency outcomes.
- Updating/Modifying FleetSmart Training Curriculum
- Transforming the SmartDriver in the City training program from a self-administered program to an instructor-led program; and
- Updating an earlier version of the SmartDriver for Highway Trucking training program, including new and relevant technology and regulations and modernizing the look and feel of the existing training program in response to industry feedback.
- Managing the Police Vehicle Idling Reduction pilot project, to determine if new technologies, designed to reduce or eliminate idling, are effective in addressing the electrical demands and environmental needs in police vehicles.
- Developing a strategy and action plan for reducing fuel consumption and GHG emissions in urban commercial vehicle fleets.
For more information:
Links to FleetSmart Training webinar recordings: