Quick Facts

  • Bronson developed multiple Tableau dashboards for the CRTC’s Data Collection System (DCS) to monitor operational details for telecommunications service providers.
  • Dashboard development was primarily conducted on-site at CRTC offices due to confidentiality considerations.
  • The DCS data was hosted in an on-site SQL Server, and Bronson used queries to extract datasets required for the dashboards.
  • Development involved interviews with internal CRTC representatives to define parameters, identify data sources, and incorporate CRTC design specifications, including language capabilities for English and French.”

Project Description

Bronson was tasked to replicate an existing excel dashboard using Tableau. Specifically, Bronson developed multiple Tableau dashboards for CRTC’s Data Collection System (DCS) for an internal audience to monitor reported operational details for telecommunications service providers. Due to confidentiality considerations, most dashboard development had to be conducted on-site at CRTC offices.

DCS data is hosted in an on-site SQL Server, and queries were used to extract datasets required to populate the dashboards. Dashboard development involved multiple interviews with internal CRTC representatives to define key parameters, identify and link data sources, and incorporate CRTC dashboard design specifications including adopting CRTC colour palette and font specifications. Dashboard functionality also included capability to alternate display between English and French versions.

Business Challenge

The CRTC needed effective dashboards to monitor operational details for telecommunications service providers within their Data Collection System (DCS). Bronson was tasked with developing these dashboards while adhering to confidentiality requirements, primarily conducting development on-site at CRTC offices.

Our Solution and Outcome

Bronson successfully developed multiple Tableau dashboards tailored to the CRTC’s requirements for monitoring telecommunications service providers’ operational details. They conducted interviews with internal CRTC representatives to define key parameters and identify relevant data sources.

Utilizing queries, Bronson extracted datasets from the on-site SQL Server to populate the dashboards. Additionally, they incorporated CRTC design specifications, including adopting the organization’s color palette and font specifications, and ensured dashboard functionality for displaying content in both English and French.

This solution provided the CRTC with effective tools for monitoring and analyzing operational details while maintaining confidentiality and adhering to organizational design standards.

Related Projects

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